Ryan Dye


If you are looking for assistance with one of my classes, the best place to find assignments and other important class information is in our Google Classrooms.  This is where I post our weekly agenda as well as the directions for any major assignments.   Below are the codes for each class.

Google Class Codes:

1st Period, English 9:  lct6226

2nd Period, Advanced English 12: 3beeuie

3rd Period, Advanced English 12:  jjahzmv

4th Period, English 9: zzqavyy  

5th Period, English 9:  6ep3ssa

6th Period, English 9:  wb27scu

Also, I am happy to provide extra help any morning before school -- just let me know when.  Otherwise, the best place to keep up with student's grades is on the PowerSchool app.  If further assistance is needed, please email me at [email protected].

R. Dye